My Favorite Ways to Get Active

It is very important for me to exercise/move my body everyday because it makes me feel mentally clear. I can focus better and be happier in my daily life.

These are my favorite way to get active.


I love to go on runs, particularly if it is a nice day outside. I usually run for 2-3 miles at a steady pace. For the last mile, I sometimes complete 30 second sprints. I run as fast as I possibly can for 30 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds before completing the next interval. This is great for your heart, and also burns more calories than traditional running.

HIIT Workouts

If you are someone that likes to push yourself really hard, but not for long (like ripping off a band-aid), then HIIT workouts are perfect for you. I like tabata style best, 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a few rounds.

Example: Do 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, four rounds through for each exercise.

*Jump squats *Pushups *Jumping lunges *Jumping jacks *High knees *Bicycles

I get a lot of my workouts off the website/Youtube channel Fitnessblender. Their workouts are easy to follow, fun and free! Check them out.

Weight training

Weight training is also a part of my exercise routine because it helps me feel stronger in my everyday life. Despite contradictory belief, weight training helps you look more toned, not bulky, and can help slim you down. Here are my favorite strength training exercises, divided by muscle group.

Arms: *Bicep curls *Hammer curls *Reverse fly *Chest fly *Tricep extension *Overhead press

Legs: *Deadlifts *Squats *Side lunges *Regular lunges *Stepups


Yoga is by far one of my favorite workouts-yes workout! Many people think yoga is not a good enough or intense enough workout but it really is an amazing total body workout. Hot yoga or power yoga is my favorite kind, and this form is a calorie-burning, sweat filled session that leaves you feeling both physically and mentally fantastic.

I hope you incorporate some form of exercise in your daily life, as the benefits go on and on and on.



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