“Me” Days…How They Make You a Better Person

Hi my friends. Today I’d like to discuss the concept of self-care, and why I believe it is so crucial to incorporate into your life, no matter how busy you are and how stressed you may feel.

“Me” days are days where you do whatever YOU want to do. Not what your boss is telling you to do, not what your friends want you to do, not what your family or co-worker is doing…this day is all about you. What will make you feel good today? What will make you feel relaxed and at peace and calm and comfortable? Whatever it is, I want you to take a day to do the things you love. Doing so can actually help you become a better version of yourself. When you return back to your everyday life after having one of these days, you will find yourself better equipped to take on challenge. You will not become as frustrated at small inconveniences. You will be able to look past the people and things that annoy you, and remain positive. Here is an example of a “me” day I had recently:


I woke up, changed into a workout outfit and crushed a quick body-weight circuit. After, I stretched with some relaxing yoga postures. I did some oil pulling as I prepared my daily bulletproof coffee and my favorite breakfast as of late. I then sat out in the sun, listened to some music and read my book. Later in the day, I got my eyebrows threaded and stopped by 11:11 cafe to pick up a smoothie bowl. On the way home, I stopped into a little boutique that caught my eye, and I ended up picking up an adorable jean skirt that I purchased with my own money. I rarely EVER shop, but this skirt was calling my name, and the lady working there was so sweet as well. Later that night, I treated myself with a Manuka honey face mask and a relaxing salt soak. I got in bed early, continuing my book from earlier. I finished off the night with a meditation from the Calm app, and wrote down a few intentions and observations in my journal.



Why would this day be considered a “me” day? …Because I practiced multiple kinds of self-care. The first would obviously be physical self-care because I worked out, therefore I encouraged lymphatic movement, pumped my circulatory system, and released endorphins. I also practiced emotional self-care with mediation, and journaling. Lastly, I practiced mental self-care by listening to music, being in nature and reading. All of the activities I did on this day made me feel good from the inside out. I felt inspired to be a better person, have a more positive outlook on life and be kind to people around me.

  • Improves immunity
  • Increases positive thinking
  • Be less prone to stress, depression and anxiety
  • Be less susceptible to low self esteem and feelings of resentment
  • Makes you more productive
  • Improves your self-compssion
  • Be your best possible self to people around you
What Self-Care is NOT:

Not everything that feels good is considered self care, and should not be part of “me” days. For example, self-care is not taking drugs, drinking, alcohol, over-eating and engaging in dangerous behaviors. Self-care includes only activities that lead towards a better self, and therefore these activities must be healthy for your well-being, not destructive.

“I just don’t have time.”

Yes, you do. This statement is simply not an excuse to neglect self-care. You don’t have to have an entire “me day” but you DO need to spend some time loving yourself and showing yourself compassion whenever possible. Even if it’s a five minute meditation, that still counts as taking time for yourself and doing something positive to advance your well-being.

How often do I have a “me” day?

I try to have a me day, where I flood myself with self-care and self-love, once a week. It usually happens during a weekend, because I can wake up naturally without an alarm, and I do not have a million things to check off my To Do list. Of course, sometimes my schedule prohibits me from having a whole day to myself. To compensate for this, I ensure to incorporate smaller time blocks in my day, dedicated to self-care. For example, I will meditate at the end of my day, prepare myself a wholesome dinner, or walk to get lunch instead of eating it at my desk. Don’t over complicate things. This comes down to what makes you feel good, and what gives you a small break from the craziness of life.

How about you? Do you include “me days” in your weekly schedule? What do you like to do? I’d love to hear!




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4 responses to ““Me” Days…How They Make You a Better Person”

  1. Janae Johnson Avatar

    Love this!! Taking care of yourself is so important on so many different levels.

    1. holisticallykatie Avatar

      Couldn’t agree more girl !

  2. holistichealthandwellbeinggroup Avatar

    I try to have some self care at least twice a day. When I wake and just before I go to bed.

  3. […] time, and unfortunately, stress is pretty much unavoidable. To cope with stress, try incorporating self-care techniques. My personal favorites are yoga, meditation, taking a bath, reading a book or […]

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